History & General Information

International Inner Wheel

In 1923, Mrs. Margarette Golding, wie of Rotarian Oliver Golding iniiated a women's organization. In 1924, wives of Rotarians of Manchester Club adopted the tite INNER WHEEL, the objectives being "Friendship and Service". Inaugural meeting of IWG Manchester was held on 10th January 1924 that continues o be celebrated as Intemational Inner Wheel Day. On 6th May 1934, Association of Inner Wheel Ciubs in Great Bitain and Ireland came into being. Since 1936, newly formed clubs started geting the Charter-Cerlicate of Membership. In 1967, InterationalInner Wheel IW) was formed.

Today, IIW is one of the largest women's organizations comprising of 4 Associations in Great Britain and lreland, Australa, India and USA, having over 100,000 members spread across 100 countries.

International Inner Wheel is an NGO, inserted in the ECOSOC Roster. It has severa representatives atthe UN. The representatives of Inner Wheel at the UN are UN, New York - Martine Gayon, N, Vienna - Ceja Gregor Hu and Uike Nemling, UN, Geneva - Karin Rivollet. Itwas an honourfor India that our Past IW President Dr. Kapila Gupta represented Inner Wheel in UN, Vienna as a panelist on the event “Girls not Brides", an event for the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence campaign.

Inner Wheel in India

Inner Wheel came to India with the formation of Inner Wheel Club of Ahmedabad in 1955. The 1st District in India No.75 was formed in 1965, now called District 305, 2nd District 315 in 1966, 3rd District 317 in 1967-68 and 4th District 310 in 1968-69. Lavender Weightman, first IIW President, during her visit to India in 1968, suggested forming National Council of Inner Wheel Clubs in India and Sri Lanka by combining 4 Districts, that bore fruition in 1989. Inner Wheel movement spread by leaps and bounds in India resulting in the formation of 10 Districts, making itimperative to form an Association. On 1st July 1976, Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in India and Sri Lanka came into existence replacing National Council of India and Sri Lanka. Today it is known as Association of Inner Whee! ClubsinIndia. Itis the largestAssociation of Inner Wheel Clubs in the world.

India has the honour of having IIW Presidents : 7 IW Presidents in the past - Minna Kapur (1986-87), Anita Aggarwal (1993-94), Kamala Ramakrishnan (2007-08), Dr. Pallavi Shah (2010-11), Abha Gupta (2014-15), Dr.Kapila Gupta (2017-18) & Dr. Bina Vyas (2020-21).

Our Legacy

Late Purviz Banaji was Founder Chairman of Dist. 315, 2nd District n India. Dist. 315 bifurcated into 2 districts, Dist. 314 & 315. Sila Ardeshir became Founder Chairman of Dist. 314, that bifurcated again in 1984-85 and 1991- 92toform Dist313and 303 respectively.

Till date, District 314 has 77 clubs with 3880 members in and around Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Thane making it the largest District of our Association.

Pillars of Inner Wheel District 314

Raksha Mehta

1976 - 77 - Founder President, Association of IW Clubs in India and Sri Lanka / Interational Inner Wheel Representative (IIWR).

1994 - Founder Secretary, IWR Forum.

2001 -Chairman, Silver Jubilee Celebration Committee of Association of IW Clubs i India.

2007 - Chairman, 11th Triennial Conference, Mumbai. She was also felcitated with *Margarette Golding Award" - highest Award n IW.

2014-Convenor, 3rd SouthAsia Rally, Mumbai.

2021-Convenor, West Zone Meet

Late Veena Gandhi

1983-84 - President, Association of IW Clubs in India and SriLanka/ IIWR.

Bangladesh was then part of our Association. In 1985, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh became separate entities and are nolonger member countries of our Association.

1985-86 - CCC Chairman, 4th Triennial Conference, Delhi.

2014-15-Recipientof ‘Margarette Golding Award’.

Asha Bajaj

1991-92 - President, Association of IW Clubs in India / IWR.

1994-95 - CCC Chairman, Tth Triennial Conference, Cochin.

Late Aruna Sheth

1996-97 - National Representative.

Dr. Pallavi Shah

President, Association of IW Clubs in India / National Representafive.

2008-2009 - IIW Board Director.

2009-2010 - IW Vice-President.

2010-2011 - 15t IW President from Dist. 314

Pushpa Suryamurty

2013-14 – President, Association of IW Clubs in India / National Representative.

2015-18 – Association Zonal Literacy Co-ordinator.

2018-19 - Recipient of “Margarette Golding Award”

Late Meher Framji (from Dist. 310)

1972-73 & 1973-74 – IIWR for 2 consecutive years.

Founder Chairman of Dist. 310, also belonged to Dist. 311 & later transferred to Dist. 314.

Vasudhaa Chandrachud

2017 – 18 – National Editor

2020 – 21 – President, Association of IW Clubs of India/ National Representative

Sunita Deodhar

2003-04 - District Chairman

2019-20 - Recipient of "Margarette Golding Award"

Dr. Vinodini Pradhan

1996-97 - District Chairman

2020-21 - Recipient of “Margarette Golding Award”.

District Milestones

1968 -First National Council Meeting held in Mumbai with 4 Districts 305, 310, 315, 317.

1976-77,1983-84, 1991-92, 2006-07, 2013-14 -AC Meetings heldin Mumbai

1976-77,1991-92, 2006-07 - Triennial Conferences held in Mumbai.

1976-77,1982-83- SillaArdeshir, CCC Chairman, 1t & 3rd Triennial Conference, Bombay & Trivandrum.

1979-Hosted Seminar for Past & Present District Chairmen.

1981, 1986, 1997, 2005, 2013 - Hosted Institutes for Incoming District Chairmen.

1992 - IW President lsabel McKnight attended our District Conference - the firsttime an IIW President attended a Dist. Conferencein India.

1993-Hosted 1st Inter District Rally with Dist. 303, 306, 313 & felcitated W PresidentAnitaAgarwal.

1994 -Formed and hosted Forum for IWR.

2001, 2007 - Hosted IIWR Forum meefing.

2001 - Celebrated Silver Jubilee of Assn of IW Clubs n India & Hosted W President.

2010-Felicitated IW President,Dr. Pallavi Shah at DistrictAssembly in June.

2010-Held IW Executive meeting & GBM in October attended by IIW Executive & 16 Board Directors.

2010-Hosted 2nd Inter District Rally in October.

2012-Hosted West Zone Seminar'Synergy.

2013-Hosted Installation of Assn President.

2014-Hosted 3rd South Asia Raly and hosted W President.

2014-Hosted PAP Forum meeting.

2015-Association CCC Meeting held in Mumbai.

2017-Hosted ICl heldin Mahabaleshwar.

2019 - Golden Jubilee Celebrations of District 314

2021 - Hosted West Zone Meet 'CONFETTI'

Visionary Ideals

District co-ordinated rural and urban projects continue to make a greatimpacton Society atlarge year after year.